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Paying for Dofollow Backlinks is Against Google Guidelines

 Last Friday, someone asked the following question from John Mueller during the Live streaming video of "English Google SEO office-hours from January 15, 2021" at the 48:28.

"If I dofollow backlinks due to paying bloggers to write highly relevant review articles or paying for high-quality PR news articles, are they paid links that go against Google's guidelines?" 

Then John replied the short and simple answer is Yes, it is against of Google's guidelines. 

Below is the video for your reference; so you can watch it for more discussion

Brief Answer of John Mueller :- He said I feel this query is asked a little important and I guess simple and quick answer is Yes, without taking much time.

If anyone is paying to bloggers for taking content with link then you are paying blogger for those backlink that mean you are buying backlinks, that would be against the Google Guidelines.

Absolutely, If you are kind-here - and if these backlink does not pass the link juice, if they have the no-follow or rel="sponsored" then it is OK.

That is really a method of advertising your sites, it doesn't pass any kind of the value of your site. But it help audience to search your content and indirectly helps to promote website.

Forum discussion at YouTube Community.

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