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How to Increase the Value of Push Notification?

Finding the right approach to mobile push notifications is an art and science. In the mobile world of the era of 2019 to attract the user's attention is not so easy, but possible. Yes, by using push notification it is possible. To get FREE PUSH NOTIFICATION SERVICES, you can visit

In this article we will talk about the effective tactics of sending push-notifications. Read to the end!

General recommendations for push notifications

Make sure the message is clear. Do you open an exclusive sale? Decided to just remind about yourself and give a short-term discount? Regardless of what the message is based on, it should be understandable. No need to veil.

Make a rich push notification. This means that you can add images and videos to push notifications, which means more efficiency and more attention to your creativity. Such messages cause emotions.

Personalize. A mobile phone is a personal, personal device. If you communicate through applications and know your username, refer to him like this, or use his previous experience with your application. According to Leanplum, personalized push notifications increase the chances of opening 4 times, compared to common counterparts.

Best Practices for Using Push Notifications
Before users take any actions with your push notifications, they must allow them to be sent by the application. However, already at this stage problems often arise. According to Accengage, only 43% of iOS users agree with this (Android does the sending automatically). Here are 5 chips that will help you get the location of the user and make him allow to send notifications.

Pass on the value of your "push" . Write evaluative offers, and pay special attention to the benefits that users will receive. Make sure that your competitive advantages are also displayed in the description of the application in the store. If users understand the value, they are more likely to agree to receive it.

Ask the user again. At first, he can refuse push, just automatically, because he always does. But after that, when it examines your application, the opinion may well change. Only go specifically to the settings and turn on the switch it is unlikely. Just ask him again, a little later, if he wants to get "pushy".

Use "soft request". You can send a request of an official nature, but it is better to soften the wording.

Link your push notifications with user behavior. The better adapted "pushy" to the mood and behavior of the user, the higher their discovery will be. What is needed for this? Segmentation. One of the effective indicators of segmentation is user behavior.

Considering the different ways in which customers interact with the application, you get valuable information about them: about preferences, about their relationship with the brand. This, in turn, will help you understand how often you need and can send push notifications and what benefits to emphasize.

Potential reasons for segmentation can also be used to understand how certain customers are involved. Suppose you have a user who downloaded your application a couple of weeks ago, looked once and did not return. In this case, you need to be careful, because the user can regard the "push" as spam.

On the other hand, if you have a user who often uses the application, you can increase the number of push messages, for example, before a holiday or an upcoming sale.

Segment your push notifications according to user preferences. This is another effective way to attract users. You can gain insight into users by looking at their past interactions with products and identifying common and exclusive features.

Common features - when a user interacts with a product through a website or application and there are signs of his positive attitude to the product.

Exclusive features - when a user ignores promotions or emails, this may mean that he has personal negative emotions about the product.

Make sure that you take into account these features and send notifications in accordance with them.

Act according to strategy
 The effectiveness of any strategy for push notifications depends largely on the time of sending. The day of the week, the time of day, and the frequency with which you send push notifications may affect discoverability. We recommend to be guided by these terms.

Consider your users' time zones. The last thing you can do to earn customer loyalty is to wake him up in the middle of the night. Therefore, consider time zones so that all customers receive notifications within a reasonable time.

A study conducted by Leanplum showed that “pushy” sent at a time when the user is inclined to interact with the application, open 3 times more often. Think about which days of the week your app is using, and think about how this varies depending on the region, demographics, and user behavior. Gradually increase the intervals between sending for inactive clients - you need to interact with them carefully, as sending them a “push” can turn them away from the application even more.

Never stop testing. While these recommendations can be a good starting point for a push notification strategy, it is imperative to continue testing and hone it.

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